Recycles - Do you recycle all of your recyclable paper, plastic, glass, aluminum, CFLs, electronics & batteries?
Recycle paper, plastic and aluminum bottles, cans
Lighting - Do you use CFL or LED lighting in your room?
I always turn off lights when i leave a room
Hibernate Computers - Do you set your computer monitor(s) to hibernate after 5 minutes and your hard drives to shut down after 30 minutes without use. (National authority on this recommendation: U.S. Energy Star)
I always set my computer to hibernate and shut down after the quickest amount of time listed on my computer
To prevent water waste, do you limit your showers to 3 minutes or less and turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth?
I always shut off the faucet when brushing my teeth and washing my face
Recycled Paper - Do you purchase and/or use post-consumer recycled paper products, whenever possible?
Transportation - Do you bike, walk or use public transit to school and if applicable, to work?
Do you avoid purchasing plastic bottled water and use a reusable water container as often as possible?
Most of the time I drink from a reusable water bottle
Reusable Bags - Do you use reusable bags when shopping?
I typically try and use paper bags. If I receive a plastic bag I reuse it as a garbage bag.
Favorite Green Products - Do you purchase organic, natural, sustainable & renewable products?
Norwex-quick, easy to use, and no harmful chemicals.
Inspires Others - Whenever possible, do you choose to support businesses and organizations that are transparent in their environmental actions and have published an eco-profile ... and have you sent requests to companies and organizations asking them to publish their eco-profile?
I support companies and organizations who are green
Giving - Do you donate and/or volunteer for social and/or environmental betterment organizations?
I volunteer when I have time
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