Recycling - Does your school recycle paper, plastic, glass, aluminum, batteries, electronics, fluorescent lights, etc.?
Our GO GREEN Club recycles all of the schools mixed recyclables and collect plastic bottles and aluminum cans as a school-wide fundraiser. Additionally, we collect dead batteries so they will not be thrown in the garbage.
Recycling at Events - Does your school have recycling receptacles in place for events (sports fields, stadiums, playgrounds, theaters, etc.)?
We do have recycling boxes and rolling bins provided from the City of Long Beach. We intend to get more durable receptacles for our bottles Through our partnership with The City of Long Beach, we have been able to supply each classroom and office with a blue recycling bin.
Some classrooms have more than one to further separate their paper/plastic from the beverage containers.
Compost and Food-to-Farm - Does your school have a compost program and/or a food for farms or food collection program?
Through, and a local Girl Scout who is completing her Gold Award, we have been able to obtain compost bins. Since it is the end of the year, it is our goal to incorporate a compost program to our daily lunch rituals.
Additionally, via our 2nd year of having a PTO, we were sponsored to purchase rolling coolers in order to collaborate with a local organization called FoodFinders which helps us responsibly donate recycled "uneaten" or "leftover" food items. Our district school lunch program trained myself and other school personnel in safe food handling and what is appropriate to donate so that school lunches would not be wasted by students.
This program is still in the "we intend to" stage. It should be up and running in the next school year.
Lighting - Does your school use high-efficiency lighting approved by Energy Star such as T8s, T5s, LEDs, CFLs (>75%)?
Our district maintenance staff are in the process of replacing burnt out bulbs with energy efficient ones.
Thermostat - Does your school manage temperature with an energy efficient programmable thermostat, adjust it to 68 degrees in the winter and 80 degrees in the summer, and reduce it to the greatest energy efficient setting possible during non-school hours?
Computers - Does your school hibernate computer monitors after 5 minutes without use and shut down computers completely during non-work hours (with the exception of POS and a unique computer system that cannot or should not hibernate or shutdown)?
Energy Reduction - Does your school incorporate specific practices and equipment to reduce energy usage and waste, e.g. solar energy, geothermal, wind turbines, white membrane rooftops to reduce AC usage in the summer months, auto-sensor lights, etc?
Conserves Water - Does your school maintain proper plumbing to prevent leaks, drips, and overall water waste? When replacements are necessary does your school install water conserving low-flow/high-pressure fixtures to conserve water?
Unwanted Mail - Has your school removed its name from unwanted: mail, mailing lists, phone book distributions, and unwanted catalogs/magazines?
Paper - Does your school use post-consumer recycled office paper throughout all office printers, fax machines and copiers?
Transportation - Does your school use and promote the use of low or no CO2 transportation?
Bottled Water - If your school offers plastic bottled water, do you recycle the bottles? Or does your school offer and promote drinking that doesn't require plastic bottles?
Yes. We have a bottle and can recycling program via our Go Green Club.
Healthy Eating - Does your school provide and promote healthy eating programs for students?
This is a district-wide initiative.
Wellness - Does your school have a wellness program, including daily exercise and activities to promote student and staff wellness and good health?
Each class has Physical Education daily.
Through our PTO and our PE department, Family fitness and staff yoga sessions take place.
In past years we have had a Bicycling Club.
We currently have several teachers who ride their bikes to school to model eco-friendly transportation. :)
Buys Locally - Does your school buy locally whenever possible (within a 100 mile radius)?
Choose Green Products - Does your school use organic, natural, sustainable and/or renewable products and continue to look for ways to do so >20% (examples are environmentally preferred and certified: furniture, cleaning products, carpeting, paint, playground equipment, etc )?
Outdoor Spaces - Does your school have environmentally-friendly elements in your outdoor spaces (playground, sports areas, gardens, compost areas, gathering areas, event areas, etc)?
Natural and Certified habitat garden, CA Native Garden, harvestable garden. We are in the process of composting.
Construction - Does your school have elements of the construction that is environmentally-friendly?
Environmental Curriculum - Does your school provide environmentally focused curriculum and/or experiential environmental learning programs?
CA 6th grade curriculum encourages outdoor teaching. Our CA Native/ Habitat Gardens and green space are essential for on-campus field trips.
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